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3 Easy Ways To Increase Your Flow & A Refocus Tool For Your Business

Melanie Midegs

As a Healer, Creative and Spiritual Business woman myself, I know first hand the difficulties that sensitive yet driven coaches & mentors face when trying to create waves with their online business. If you are drawn to, or curious about The Business Chakra system... follow that nudge - as it's not as 'airy-fairy' as one may think.

In fact it's quite grounded.

I've had some very successful business mentors tell me that it's one of the most comprehensive business education programs they have seen. Igniting your Business Chakras will help you to enhance your connection with your work on a much deeper level. There is a time and place to learn strategy & tactics, and there most definitely is a time where you need to put that to the side and understand you.

The 3 Pillars that I work with, together with every Business Chakra Energy is this:

1) Energy

2) Mindset

3) Framework

If you can allow yourself the time to work consistently within these three areas for each of the chakra aspects of yourself & your business... you will experience a flow state.

So let's break it down: 1) Energy

How are you feeling right now? If you were to stop what you are doing, take a deep breath and quiet your mind - what is the emotion you are feeling inside? Now take your mind to your business... how does it make you feel right now? How you feel emotionally about your business most definitely has an impact on your mindset, which in turn has an impact on it's flow and success. Here is a break down of emotions that link to the different chakras to help guide you with what you may need to focus on to help you feel more light and bright about your business: Fear, Anxiety, Overwhelm - Business Base Chakra

Desire, Frustration, Expectation - Business Sacral Chakra

Judgement, Self-Worth, Doubt - Business Solar Plexus

Rejection, Sadness, Vulnerability - Business Heart Chakra

Shame, Confusion, Anxiety - Business Throat Chakra

Remembering that it's not what is happening outside of you that is making you feel a certain way, it's what's happening within you.

2) Mindset

Within the Business Chakras, mindset is all about perception. What you perceive will be. It is not always possible to have your mindset coach on-call to take you through a process or session.

It's so important to train yourself be able to look at situations from a different point of view, because this tool will totally come in handy plenty of times as your business begins to expand: Lack Of Cashflow - Business Base Chakra

Seeing Others Succeed - Business Sacral Chakra

Pricing Your Services - Business Solar Plexus (*I'm running free training on this!)

Unhappy Clients - Business Heart Chakra

No One Is Signing Up - Business Throat Chakra

Who Am I To Be A Leader? - Business Brow Chakra

What If This Big Vision Doesn't Work? - Business Crown Chakra

All of these doubts and fears are our own perception. Learning to enable yourself to turn them on their head will be one of your most prized gifts as an entrepreneur.

3) Framework

Now here is the part that, for some of you, will put your logical and strategic mind at ease. Yes there absolutely is structure for you to implement in your business... even as an energetic representation of yourself!

Foundations - Business Base Chakra

Branding - Business Sacral Chakra

Products/Service - Business Solar Plexus

Promotion - Heart Chakra

Communication - Throat Chakra

Leadership - Brow Chakra

Vision - Crown Chakra

***QUICK ACTIVITY*** Depending on the emotion you are feeling, or the scenario that is currently playing out in your mind... with the Business Chakra System you can navigate your way to find the area of your business that you need to focus on first to change your emotional and/or mental state, and instead feel flow and success.

1) Choose any of the above elements in pink. For example, if lack of cashflow really speaks to you in the mindset pillar right now, start there. Or if you are feeling nothing other than frustration, start with the energy pillar.. 2) Note which chakra it is linked to.

3) See what the other two elements related to that Chakra are about.

It can provide you with a quick insight into the area you need to focus on in your business to know what is the next right step for you.

We go into much more detail for each of the Chakras in my online course: Program Ignition & in my face:face Business Chakra Workshops.

We all know that clarity is king. That when we can see a pathway and know where to focus our energy and time, life becomes easier and more fun! As an entrepreneur, particularly in the first 3 years of business, it's messy and confusing. It's during these times where your once focused and inspired action can be thrown in the back seat while overwhelming emotions and old belief systems take over.

Remember - there is no need for you to do this on your own... and there is a holistic and gentle way to find the answer.

Big love,

Melanie xo







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An avid lover of fresh coconuts & globe trotting, you will often find Melanie Midegs in Bali, Indonesia.

Melanie mentors private clients and runs Entrepreneur Artistry Program Ignition, for upcoming entrepreneurs to step into their power as Change Makers & Thought Leaders.

She is also the founder of The Soul Lounge for Entrepreneurs community.

Her creativity will blow your mind, as she will help to propel your vision into reality and stand out from the crowd in the online space. Catch her LIVE on her Australian Business Chakra Workshop Tour in February 2017 - Click to purchase your Ticket. LIVE workshops in: Melbourne, Brisbane & Sydney.

Follow Melanie on Facebook & Instagram

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