Lady Luck is all around, although sometimes it may feel like she can’t be found.
Stomp your feet as we move a long.
Feel the beat as we sing her song.
#1) Stop what you are doing. Just stop… put your tools down.
#2) Pretend the world can’t see you.
#3) Close your eyes and count backwards from 3.
3… 2… 1…
#4) Breathe.
#5) Scream! Lady Luck loves to hear you scream. That’s how she knows you are ready.
#6) Let any red hot tears swell in your eyes.
#7) If they subside on their own… all good.
#8) If you sob like you were a child who dropped their ice-cream… even better. Get. It. Out.
#9) Stand Up.
#10) Put your arms in the air.
#11) Jump up and down.
#12) Stick your tongue out.
#13) Hop on your right foot for three jumps.
#14) Hop on your left foot for three jumps.
#15) Stop.
#16) And laugh at yourself.
#17) I just made that bit up…

...Now you are ready.
#18) What do you want?
#19) Have things worked out for you before?
#20) Remember when it did, and you didn’t actually do anything?
#21) Tidy up your space. Lady Luck is a VIP guest - she has standards.
#22) Make her feel at home.
#23) Go have a cold shower.
#24) Wash your face like you were Cleopatra. With poise and grace.
#25) Love your skin.
#26) Feel how soft it is. You’re gorgeous.
#27) Put some chill music on.
#28) Light a candle.
#29) Maybe some incense and puff up your cushions.
#30) Now you are ready to entertain her.
Evoke her in.
#31) Call her by her name “Hello Lady Luck…”
#32) Ask her for what you want.
#33) Take as long as you want. She is the best listener you’ll ever meet.
#34) Tell her everything.
#35) But don’t forget - tell her what you want… don’t dwell on what’s happened.
#36) Then let it go.
#37) You have to trust that she can deal with it.
#38) You don’t trust her? Well, she can feel that and doesn’t work for people who don’t trust.
You gotta be able to trust... (especially if you want things to start going your way).
… I’ll just wait in the other room.
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… dodoooodododoodo.
You done?…
Good ☺️
#39) Now let’s go have some fun!
#40) Smile.

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Psychosomatic Therapist & EQ Business Specialist, Melanie Midegs has a gift for understand who you are, just by looking at your face. Her mission in life is to transmute the mundane and confused into a world of endless possibilities.
Melanie uses her therapeutic training, wisdom and experience to assist Entrepreneurs & Corporate Executives to PIVOT when they find themselves at cross-roads, by teaching them emotional intelligence, how to create stronger boundaries and remembering who they really are.
Her creativity will blow your mind, as she will help to propel your vision into reality and stand out from the crowd in an crowded market place.
www.seedtosoul.com.au Follow Melanie on Telegram